We will accept animals at any stage. This a price guide to get your pelt ready for tanning and also the tanning price. Add $30 to skinning price if you would like the feet skinned out on any animal. Please feel free to reach out to us with any additional questions or about animals not on the list. 10% discount on tanning price if your getting 10 or more pelts tanned. These prices go into affect May 13, 2024
skin/ flesh/ dry flesh/ dry Tanning
Beaver $70. $30. $50.
Bobcat $50. $10. $35.
Coyote $50. $25. $40.
Fisher $50. $10. $30.
Fox $50. $10. $30.
Mink $30. $10. $20.
Muskrat $30. $10. $20.
Opossum $50. $10. $20.
Otter $70. $10. $35.
Raccoon $50. $15. $25.
Skunk $70. $10. $25.
Deer hides hair on $20. $80.